Setting auto.offset.reset for Kafka Rest Proxy

Yesterday I was struggling with auto.offset.reset configuration property for communication with Confluent Kafka Rest Proxy. I was using curl command to create Kafka consumer and was receiving successful response Then I tried to rewrite curl logic to Python code using requests module. But I started to receive error Invalid consumer configuration: Wrong value earliest of … Read more

Converting Base64 string to binary in Blue Prism

I was working on a use case to store binary file (PKCS 12 certificate) in Blue Prism Security-Credentials. Unfortunately Security-Credentials do not support storing binary files. So I thought of converting binary to file to Base64 string and storing it in Security-Credentials as password and decoding it back to binary in Blue Prism process. Although … Read more

Committing custom offsets to Kafka

Recently I have been playing around integrating RPA Blue Prism with Confluent Kafka. Blue Prism process was consuming messages from Kafka topic using Kafka Rest Proxy. To achieve it I used build in Utility – HTTP business object with HTTP Request action. Reading messages from Kafka REST Proxy consists of 5 steps 1. Creating consumer … Read more

Using H2 database for Apache Spark tests

Recently I have tried to write some units tests for Apache Spark using some in-memory database in Scala. I used H2 database and created tiny project on Github which presents how to achieve this. Dependencies pom.xml contains dependencies used in this project. Application Simple application reads rows from student table from input database. Dataset of students is … Read more