Lambda Inactive state

Recently, I have got 500 HTTP response from my API Gateway endpoint integrated with lambda function. I found integration error in logs Lambda invocation failed with status: 409. Lambda request id: f272af2a-2631-48b8-b0b2-3f5e1193a393 Execution failed due to configuration error: Lambda is initializing your function.It will be ready to invoke once your function state becomes ACTIV It … Read more

SQS access policy which denies receiving messages except one lambda

Yesterday, I had a task to setup SQS access policy to allow reading messages from queue only by one lambda. Another part of this task was to allow sending messages only by Api Gateway. I tried following access policies with Deny + Principal to restrict SQS:ReceiveMessage action only to my lambda. Or Deny + NotPrincipal … Read more

IE11 ignores wildcard * for Access-Control-Allow-Headers

Yesterday while testing my React App on Internet Explorer 11 I got SEC7123: Request header content-type was not present in the Access-Control-Allow-Headers list in F12 Developers Tools Console.It happened during OPTIONS preflight HTTPS request to AWS API Gateway with CORS enabled. CORS was enabled via MOCK Integration Request. Mandatory CORS response headers Access-Control-Allow-Headers Access-Control-Allow-Origin Access-Control-Allow-Methods … Read more