AWS Rekognition and light fakes

In my previous post, I explored the capabilities of AWS Rekognition as a Digital Identity Verification provider. Now, let’s investigate whether AWS Rekognition, like Onfido and BioID, can detect deepfakes. According to the documentation, AWS Rekognition employs AI and machine learning within the Face Liveness feature to effectively detect spoofing attacks. Let’s generate one light … Read more

AWS Rekognition as Digital Identity Verification Provider

While preparing for my Code Europe presentation on Digital Identity Verification, I had the opportunity to explore what AWS Rekognition offers in this field. I was particularly interested in the Face Comparison functionality. In the screenshot, you can see uploaded photos of Julia and myself. AWS easily recognizes that the images depict different individuals. I … Read more

Lambda Inactive state

Recently, I have got 500 HTTP response from my API Gateway endpoint integrated with lambda function. I found integration error in logs Lambda invocation failed with status: 409. Lambda request id: f272af2a-2631-48b8-b0b2-3f5e1193a393 Execution failed due to configuration error: Lambda is initializing your function.It will be ready to invoke once your function state becomes ACTIV It … Read more

SAML Assertion doesn’t contain the requested Role and Metadata in the attributes

Today I was struggling with exception It was thrown by piece of code sAMLAssertion is as AWS javadoc states: The base64 encoded SAML authentication response provided by the IdP. I was getting sAMLAssertion by calling ADFS Saml provider with service account credentials.After decoding base64 sAMLAssertion looked like So it turned out that I was trying … Read more

SQS access policy which denies receiving messages except one lambda

Yesterday, I had a task to setup SQS access policy to allow reading messages from queue only by one lambda. Another part of this task was to allow sending messages only by Api Gateway. I tried following access policies with Deny + Principal to restrict SQS:ReceiveMessage action only to my lambda. Or Deny + NotPrincipal … Read more

Using SigV2 to sign AWS S3 requests

This week I was working on a simple task to modify S3 bucket policy to deny s3:PutObject action to anyone except services in particular vpc or AWS presigned URL. It was just a matter of adding to bucket policy AWS S3 Presigned URL is generated by lambda with execution role get-presigned-url-lambda-role. According to doc Anyone with valid security credentials … Read more

FUNCTION_ERROR_INIT_FAILURE error while deploying AWS Lamba

Today I got an error Provisioned Concurrency configuration failed to be applied. Reason: FUNCTION_ERROR_INIT_FAILURE in CloudFormation while deploying stack with Lambda And that’s all. No more details about the root cause. My SAM file configures lambda with Provisioned Concurrency. After switching off Provisioned Concurrency my stack was successfully deployed but first lambda invocation finished with exception. … Read more